We always want to provide you with the best support we can in building our products, and offer you quick and efficient solutions if you have any questions. To do so, we have assembled the most frequently asked questions on fischertechnik products for you in an easy to use FAQ. In our FAQ area, we answer all your questions on general, technical or even specific topics. If your question is not listed in our FAQ, you are welcome to contact our fischertechnik experts via our contact form. We will be happy to help you, and are always working to improve our customer service for you.

General FAQs

There are parts missing or defective parts in a fischertechnik construction set I have just purchased - what should I do?
Are the old gray building blocks compatible with the new ones?
Where can I find booklets and technical information on the construction sets?
What are typical sets used to get started with fischertechnik?
Where can I view the current fischertechnik product portfolio?

Technical FAQs

What are the advantages of the new fischertechnik flat connector?
ROBOTIC Mini Bot track finder does not follow the track.
Notes on the use and care of the fischertechnik battery pack (35537)
Is a different charger needed for the current NiMH Accu Pack than for the previous NiCd Accu Pack?
Is it possible to upload a self-created sound in the sound module of PLUS Sound & Lights?
The pneumatic cylinders in my model do not move properly.
Can motors break down if they have to lift heavy loads?


After a firmware update, the TXT controller only shows a loading bar and no longer starts properly.
After a firmware update, “TXT-” (without ID) is displayed in the status bar.
I try to update the TXT Controller firmware version 4.1.x to the latest firmware version 4.7.0. Unfortunately, I get an error message.
Can the TXT Controller be programmed with the new “ROBO Pro Coding” app?
How can the error that the TXT 4.0 controller cannot be connected with ROBO Pro Coding and "txtapi" is shown in the display of the TXT 4.0 controller be eliminated?
Updating the TXT 4.0 firmware version 3.1.0 to version 3.1.6 or newer is not possible via the Internet. How can the firmware 3.1.0 still be updated to the current firmware 3.1.x?
What are the access data for SSH and WEB server for the TXT 4.0 controller?
Which ROBOPro Version do I need for the TXT Smart Home kit?
Which internet browsers does fischertechnik Cloud work with?
How secure is my data in the fischertechnik Cloud?
What security measures must be observed with the TXT controller in WLAN client mode?
Can programs be stored on the ROBO LT controller?
Can the ROBO LT controller be operated without a connection to the PC (download mode)?
Can the ROBO LT controller be controlled with the ROBOPro software?
Can the TXT or TX controller be controlled with the ROBOPro Light software?
What are the system requirements for ROBOunderPro?
The ROBOTICS software ROBOPro does not operate correctly.
The USB driver cannot be installed - no connection to the controller can be established.
Error message "An unexpected situation has occurred" appears with the ROBOTICS software ROBOPro.
I cannot update my TX controller’s firmware.
Error message "No interface to USB could be found" appears with the ROBOTICS software ROBO Pro.
Does the ROBOPro software offer a random function?
Can the TX Controller be connected with ROBO Pro software in Windows 10 via Bluetooth?
An error message appears when updating the TXT firmware.
How can I connect an old 32357 forked photoelectric sensor to the TXT/TX controller?
How can I measure the battery voltage on the TXT/TXController?
What is the maximum voltage that can be used to operate the TXT/TX controller without causing damage?
Can the sound module be connected to the ROBOTICS TXT/TX controller?

Training models FAQs

Which fuses are used in the Learning Factory 4.0 24V?
After a TXT 4.0 controller firmware update, the local dashboard in Node-RED can no longer be opened. How can this be repaired?
What is the difference between the 9V and 24 simulation models?
How to connect a PLC control to the 24V simulation models?
The models are delivered fully assembled.
Which controllers can be used in conjunction with the 24V models?
In which versions are the simulation models offered?
Does fischertechnik have PLC programs for the 24V simulation models?
When pairing with the fischertechnik Cloud, the error message "...no route to host..." appears. How can this be fixed?
Which PLC brands and configurations can I use to control the Learning Factory 4.0 24V?
How do I connect my PLC to the model? Are there any assignment diagrams for this?
Where can I find the basic program included free of charge?
Does the basic program require a fee or a license?
Can I change the base program and/or replace it with another program?
Where can I find the source code of the base program as structured text (ST/SCL)?
Are there any exercises or test items for trainees on Learning Factory 4.0?
What assemblies do I need to use the free basic program?
How can I use the basic program with another PLC brand or model?
What do I have to pay special attention to with my existing PLC control system in order to be able to use the Learning Factory 4.0?
How many inputs and outputs does the Learning Factory 4.0 24V have?
Can I connect my own cloud to the Learning Factory 4.0 24V?
Which version of the Raspberry Pi is integrated in the Learning Factory?
Which sensors are included in the Learning Factory 4.0?
Are there any instructions or accompanying materials for the Learning Factory 4.0?
Which software was used to create the PLC examples?
Why is a fischertechnik TXT Controller 9V included, although it is the Lernfabrik 4.0 in 24V version?
Which IP addresses are reserved for the controllers used in the Learning Factory 4.0 24V?
Which operating system and which configuration does the Raspberry Pi have in the Learning Factory 4.0 24V?
What are the Internet connection requirements for the Learning Factory 4.0?
When pairing with the fischertechnik Cloud, the QR code appears and is then immediately hidden. Pairing with the fischertechnik Cloud is not possible. What is the reason?