Industry and Universities
Industry and Universities

Simulation models for industry and universities

Simulation models and training models offer industry and universities the opportunity to realistically represent complicated technical systems and ensure perfect simulation so that they can be understood by everyone.

The connections of the flexible and modular fischertechnik system with industry-standard actuators and sensors as well as the controllers of leading manufacturers open up almost unlimited possibilities for hardware simulation. The simulation and training models from fischertechnik therefore open up flexible possibilities for industry, training courses and schools to test processes and teach technical basics easily. 

Our product range



fischertechnik Industry and Universities
Learning Factory 4.0 9V I Smart Factory

fischertechnik Industry 4.0 Simulation

The fischertechnik learning factory 4.0 allows you to map and simulate the ordering process, the production process and the delivery process in digitalized and networked process steps. It enables in-depth learning through haptic grasping on a realistic production image and is therefore ideal for teaching, research and development.

Further information

Simulation models 24V from fischertechnik

Our already assembled, compact training and demonstration models from fischertechnik are ideal for training and further education in industry. The models have the worldwide 24V industry standard and are programmed by means of PLC. With our 24V simulation models, you can map ordering processes, production processes and delivery processes in digitized and networked process steps.

Further information

Demonstration models 9V
from fischertechnik

Our already assembled, compact training and demonstration models from fischertechnik are suitable for demonstrating modern, digitalized industrial applications and are thus ideal for learning and grasping Industry 4.0 applications in vocational schools and training as well as for use in research, teaching and development at universities, in companies and IT departments.

Further information
