

 The word Hydraulics originates from the ancient Greek words “hydro” and “aulos” and means “water” and “pipe”. Thus, hydraulics stands for the science of the flow behaviour of liquids. Hydraulics is all about pumping liquids to and fro in a closed circular flow and to perform mechanical work in this manner.

A bit History

During the 18th century, the Englishman Joseph Bramah invented the first hydraulic press powered by water pressure, which worked according to the hydrostatic law by Blaise Pascal. The so-called Bramah Press worked such that a piston was pressed and the resulting power was multiplied. Joseph Bramah pressed down the piston of a water-filled cylinder with a lever and with less effort. The resulting pressure on the water was then passed on to other cylinders and was thereby strengthened. At the end, an object with great power was compressed.

The benefits of hydraulics are...

Pressurised liquids can be stored
Pressurised liquids can be transported over long distances without great pressure loss
The pressure on liquids is maintained for a relatively long time and hardly changes
No power is lost during any movements
Hydraulic cylinders help to make many movements without elaborate mechanism
A high positioning accuracy can be achieved
It is possible to generate high powers and torques
Uniform movements can be made easily


We would like to illustrate these benefits and lots of other interesting information with the PROFI Hydraulics construction kit. In addition, we would like to show you how hydraulic components function. For this purpose, we will give you a step-by-step explanation on the individual components and will show you how they function. Moreover, the construction kit contains numerous model cases that show the method of using hydraulics. 

The fischertechnik hydraulic system
