Discover the big fischertechnik STEM world

Understand the basics of mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology in an action-oriented way


Hands-on learning concepts for a range of STEM topics aligned to curriculum standarts

The hands-on approach with fischertechnik allows students to learn through direct experience. While constructing the models, the 
functionality of pneumatics becomes evident. After a brief introduction, my class independently built the models and engaged with the  corresponding task sheets. Testing the finished models reveals the practical applications of compressed air in everyday life, unveiling new realms of technology and establishing clear connections.

- Tobias Hannich, Teacher in Germany

Primary school

Main topics

  • Statics
  • Optics
  • Simple machines
  • Elektronics
  • Gears

Available in class sets, consisting of 16 individual sets

To the MINT-Range

Secondary school

Main topics

  • Statics
  • Physics
  • Optics
  • Simple machines
  • Elektronics
  • Pneumatics
  • Gears
  • Mechanics

Available in individual sets for 2 - 4 pupils each

To the MINT range
