Schickard calculating machine: 400 years old and still highly topical

at Ruhr University Bochum / Nordrhein-Westfalen (DE)

Seminar: 'Mathematical Instruments and Machines' for student teachers at the Ruhr University in Bochum
Research / Application area: Primary school maths lessons
Deplyoment period: 2023




German schools regularly receive mediocre to poor grades in the PISA tests. There is an acute need for action, particularly in the STEM subjects. Prof. Dr. Thomas Püttmann sees the need to give children a sensory and playful approach to mathematics. Maths should not only take place in the head, but should also be experienced through seeing, hearing and touching. 

Every child needs this calculator: Its look, sound and feel entice children to explore it. These features, combned with children's creativity and curiosity, create a new world of learning.

Prof. Dr. Thomas Püttmann, Lecturer


School lessons have long since moved away from purely frontal teaching. But how can students be introduced to mathematical content and tasks while working alone and in teams? Prof. Thomas Püttman sees fischertechnik construction sets as the ideal tool for this challenge. In his book ‘Understanding mathematics with fischertechnik’, Prof. Püttmann invites students on an exciting journey through the world of mathematics using 28 models to build and experiment with. With the help of the counting, calculating, drawing and measuring devices, children and young people learn about core mathematical concepts from a new, fascinating perspective. The models include a calculating  machine invented by the researcher and scholar Wilhelm Schickard (1592-1635). Prof. Thomas Püttmann set about recreating this machine using fischertechnik components. The mathematician put together the 238 parts needed to build the calculating machine from various construction kits. After successful tests, Prof. Püttmann also assembled the calculating machine in various workshops with teams of enthusiastic students. In addition, assembly videos with parts lists encourage students to rebuild the calculating machine


Regular use of the calculator in as many schools as possible would be highly desirable.

Prof. Dr. Thomas Püttmann, Lecturer


Building the calculating machine promotes children's intellectual and motoric skills. Students are inspired in a creative and playful way for STEM subjects and the curious and creative use of components and tools. The fun factor is not neglected.
